1.19 98.73

What is your shipping method?

To ship the orders we use FedEx. It’s a worldwide service.

Note: FedEx Does Not Deliver On Weekends and On the National Holidays.

How much time does it take to deliver the samples? Is it possible to track delivery status online?

You will receive samples within 3 to 5 business days after the dispatched date. Our delivery partner like FedEx ensures for speedy delivery at your doorsteps.

You will receive a tracking number from Our Customer Support Dept. on your registered e-mail ID on the day when your package is dispatched.

The status of the shipment can be checked on the carrier’s website.

Are there any additional taxes that I have to bear?

Yes, you need to pay Import duties/ custom duties or any local charges levied by the Customs of your country. At clearance of your package at customs, FedEx pay off the duties and would give you the bill for the same, which you have to pay.

How much time do you take before shipping my order?

It generally takes 3 to 5 business days to ship the order. For more details, you can connect with our customer service at [email protected]

Will I Receive The Location Status of My Order Regularly?

You can check your ordered product location status on our carrier partner FedEx’s official website. First, you will receive an order confirmation e-mail so that we can verify that your order has been submitted.

Secondly, when your order has been shipped you will receive the shipping confirmation E-mail.

There is a tracking number mentioned in the shipping confirmation e-mail, you can further track your order through this number on FedEx website.

Do you ship order overseas?

Yes, our online wedding card services are global. We entertain queries from across the world.

What is estimated time for delivering products in case of rush order?

In case of rush or urgent order, we can print & process your cards in 2-3 business days and it would take another 3-4 business days to deliver worldwide.

Will I receive a call before or at the time of order deliver?

Generally FedEx calls you at your number before delivering. If the package is undelivered for some reasons, you can check the status on FedEx website and can call up Customer Support Dept. of FedEx for delivery.

Generally FedEx attempts 3 times for your order delivery.

In case if I am not at home at the time of delivery, will there be another attempt? How I will get my order in this case?

3 delivery attempt / FedEx Customer Support Dept. contact. Also in case of your missed package and other delivery related queries just drop us a message on our chat support: with your order id. We would love to help you for your queries.

Is it possible to choose the courier company of my choice?

Yes. If you have an account with any international shipping agency like UPS, TNT, FedEx etc. then you have to share your shipping account number with our Customer Support Dept. and we will send your package using your account.

Do you make delivery PAN India?

Yes, we are dealing in PAN India. With that we are also operating in foreign countries also.

Can I order for part delivery like some cards in India and some in one or more countries?

Yes, the option for part delivery is available. You can send some cards in India and others in one or more countries around the world.

To streamline the process, you need to send your order over e-mail.

We will ship order separately in the separate country according to your instructions.

Can I mark the parcel as personal gift?

No, it is not possible to mark a parcel as a personal gift.

Why the shipping cost is so high?

We ship the received order through the world’s most renowned shipping company namely- FedEx & UPS to complete international orders. We are using "FedEx Express Shipping" services which promise on–time delivery of shipments. Also, as we are using business accounts for shipments so our prices are less than the normal shipments. You can compare prices at respective shipping company’s official website.

If you would like to know more on this then send us an e-mail at [email protected] with your card code along with the delivery destination and our team will revert back with all the details.

Note: The price of shipping depends on the weight of the parcel.

How much does shipping cost?

In your sample order, shipping is completely free and in your bulk order shipping cost will be according to weight/dimension of your shipment.

My Committed delivery time is over?? I have still not received the order?

In that case, kindly contact us at [email protected] . Our team will contact you for delivery and receiving details.

How can I Order Any Sample?

All the orders are needed to be placed online. Following is the process of ordering the samples:

  • Browse through the wedding cards’ catalogue from the chosen category.
  • Put the sample cards in your cart by clicking on the button "Add to Cart" on the category page. You can add your samples from the product detail pages too.
  • If you want to choose more sample cards during order process, click "Add More Sample Button" or can add more sample at the time of payments too.
  • To order the selected sample, click on the "View Cart/ Checkout" button and you’ll proceed for the final shipping details field. Just fill your shipping details.
  • Click on Pay button . Your order is placed now!
  • Your sample cards will be delivered to you within 3-4 business days of ordering.
  • For custom sample order shipping, the delivery time will range from 4 to 6 days, and delivery within India will take 3 to 5 business days.

In case of any query kindly contact on our corporate e-mail ID [email protected] and our team will do the needful.

What is The Delivery Time for Samples?

The time varies from country to country

  • If order if placed from outside India, the delivery time will be 3 to 5 business days.
  • If order is placed from within India, the delivery time will be 2 to 4 business days.

Is the sample cost fully adjustable?

Yes, the sample cost is 100% adjustable. If any offers are running, in that case we only adjust one thing either offer or sample adjustment.

What all the things the sample cards include?

We deliver what we say!!

The sample card comes in the same way as it was shown on the website. Generally it contains the main card, two inserts and an envelope with it. For better understanding, the sample card might come printed with some text.

Do the sample(s) come with text imprinted?

Yes, to cater our patrons with the best and realistic experience, we always try to take one step extra. Usually we provide printed samples but in case of fewer inventories we can send blank also. Kindly let us know if you required printed text.

Thus, you can see many printed samples as possible. It helps us to let you know how the actual card will look after printing.

What is the cost of sample?

The cost of the samples is $4 to $8. The shipping cost of the sample cards is free.

Do you provide the personalised printed sample?

Generally we provide defaults printed sample but yes we can personalize the sample on your demand. In the case of personalized texts and fonts on samples, you have to bear the extra costs of the sample. For approval process we send digital copy in the JPEG format to you.

  • Kindly consult our Customer Support Dept. for the cost of a personalised sample.
  • In case of any amendments in the sample, no cost will be adjusted/ refunded
  • Note: The Proof/ JPEG image you receive is most accurate representation of the card you will receive. Therefore, there will be no need of printing the sample. However if you still want to go for sample printing, we will do the same for you.

How many sample cards can I order at once?

Ordering sample card is on your discretion. You can choose as many cards as you want. There is no limit on number of samples that you would like to buy.

On Sample Order, will there be any extra charged applied?

There will be no extra cost applicable on the sample order.

What is the minimum quantity that one can order?

There is no minimum quantity for making your order. You can just purchase single card from us with your sample order.

Do I need to register before placing a sample order?

Yes, you have to register before placing a sample order. We also have a guest user check out option. You can just fill all your details and can make your purchase.

How do I check the status of my sample order?

After placing your sample order, you’ll get FedEx Tracking No. on your registered e-mail ID.

What extra charges may apply on sample order?

No extra charges are applied on your sample order. Shipping and Printing is free on the sample ordered. Yes, if you’re going with some custom changes/ personalised text, in that case, you have to pay for printing services.

How can I order wedding cards in bulk?

Just follow these simple steps:

Just login to "My account" View process section which is on the top of menu bar. If you forget your Login ID & Password, simply put your registered e-mail ID and View Process. You will get your password reset link on your registered Email ID immediately.

Here are four simple steps to submit your bulk order:

Step 1:
First choose your favorite card from our catalogue, click on the product page. From product page click on "bulk order button", View Process next fill all the details which you required along with your wedding cards View Process. Mention the quantity you want to order, printing (if you want to) Extra Inserts (if you want to). The calculation will be emailed to you. From the same page choose Add- On (Visual representation). There will be printing cost for every add on.
Step 2 (Cart Page):
After filling all the details, click Save in Cart View Process. Next Click on "continue to shipping details" View Process. If you are not login into your account, just login to your account for furthrt process. you'll land on your cart page. Just revised your added product and "click countinue to shipping details".
Step 3 (Shipping Address):
Fill the complete Shipping Details. Continue to order View Process.
Step 4 (Review Summary):
Review your cart summary. You can edit (Add or Remove) your cart View Process. Review your price summary. Upload your text file by browse button (Browse) or you can send later (I will send later). Click "continue to check out" View Process, choose currency, "click on PayPal" View Process.

Your bulk order is completed.

In case of any queries in completing your order contact us at [email protected]

Note: – In case of unavailability of the user account, you can just order through "Guest User Login" View Process. For perfect idea of the quality of the product, it is recommended to order the sample cards first.

Is there any option to make an order via e-mail?

Yes, there is an option of ordering bulk orders via email. You can email us at [email protected] with all the details you want on your wedding cards. Note: Do not forget to mention card code and quantity you want with your text file.

To get credit for the sample cost, do not forget to mention sample order Number.

How I can see the free proof copy of my card with the wordings on it before making Bulk order?

To take your order’s free proof copy, before making bulk order, you have to send an email to [email protected] tagging along with the text file of wordings with sample order Number. We will provide you free proof copy of your wedding card (High resolution PDF).

Note: You can revise your free proof copy before your bulk order as much as you want.

How will you adjust the sample cost with my bulk order value?

There is simple process for adjusting sample cost with bulk order. During your bulk order just email your sample order ID at [email protected] and our team will automatically adjust the amount.

Note: We adjust 100% amount up to 5 samples.

Why I am unable to order required quantity?

Sometimes due to reasons like product out of stock or excessive demand of a particular card, we are unable to provide specific quantity of the card. In that case we explain the reasons behind that and suggest similar cards from the same category or theme, color etc.

In the email, do not forget to mention the card code as well the number of cards that you like to order.

Our team will get back to you with Requisite information.

I am facing issue in searching for the card which I liked most?

There are two ways to find your favourite card:

  • Apply the website filter according to color, price and category hopefully, you’ll get your favourite card from our precise filter.
  • If you remember the card code, take help of the Search button View Process which is there on the top of the website. Mention the right code and click on the Go button

Even if you are unable to see that wedding card then it might have happened that the card gets deactivated/ out of stock from the list temporarily or permanently. You can always get connected with our sales team and they will do the needful.

What is the delivery time for my printed bulk cards order?

Minimum time is 5-7 business days and maximum time is 10-12 business days. If there would be any change, do not hesitate to email us about the same.

In case of urgent delivery, email us on our sale ID.

*In India, it will take around 5-7 business days for delivery.

Can we add Blank wedding cards in bulk order with RSVP cards or any add on items?

Yes, at the time of bulk order placement, do not select the printing option. You can also order blank RSVP cards or any other add on items.

What is the minimum order quantity in bulk order?

There is no minimum quantity to order. You can just order one card as sample. We will adjust 100% cost of sample card price with your bulk order.

Can I get my bulk order cards delivered in India?

Yes, if you are located overseas, you can easily get your cards delivered to India at your doorstep without any hassle. We also allow part delivery where you can order some cards at your Indian address and some at different parts of world.

Can I get some cards delivered to an Indian address and rest to me outside India?

Yes, we have the provision for our clients to get some units of their cards delivered to their postal address in India and some units to outside of India.

Need more cards in my previous order do I need to generate new order?

Yes, it is possible to reorder your previous order. For the convenience of our clients/customers, we always keep the order records for the 6 months in our Records.

We have found the cost of the bulk order expensive. Is it possible to avail discounts on our bulk order?

Yes, you can avail existing offers which we run entire year. If there is no running offer at the time of your order then you can just ask our support team for any offer.

All your queries will be attended by our skilled team members efficiently.

Can we order additional inserts during my bulk order?

Yes, during your bulk ordering process, just choose the extra insert option and fill the number of inserts additional you want. It is always easy to add an extra insert of same colour and size if the card comes with an insert originally.

The additional insert will bear additional cost.

If we order only one insert, will it reduce the price during bulk order?

Yes, we will reduce one cost of one insert from the final invoice. We will reduce cost of insert and printing, but shipping charges will remain same.

Note: Price reduction will be according to card so it is advisable to contact to our customer support team first.

Is it possible to order only scrolls without scroll box?

Yes, you can always order only scroll without boxes.

Can I change quantity after I have already placed the order?

Yes you can change your order quantity anytime. To do so you can send your request on our Email ID [email protected] mentioning the correct quantity and rest will be taken care by us.

What all is included in Card bulk price?

Card bulk price includes cost of card only (As shown on website) + printing price+ shipping charges. For your convenience, we generate complete details in breakdowns. In case of any doubt please feel free to connect with us at [email protected] anytime.

Can someone assist me for best printing options for my card?

Yes, you can always have all kinds of help from our end. For any doubts, please send us your query at [email protected] and when the time of your proof will come, you will be contacted by our sales team and you can consult with them

My order is custom. Who can assist me for complete details?

In case of custom order, you can send us email with all details mentioned within and we will connect with you at the soonest. Send your queries at [email protected]

Are there any Extra charges when shipment is received in UK or Europe? (Will provide by you)

In almost every country around the world, there are import charges levied. if you get your cards delivered in UK or any other country where the import duties are charged, customs will levy the duties accordingly. For us, it's hard to calculate and update frequently about the duty charges, because various nations keep changing the duties and tariffs for global commodities.

FedEx, at the time of custom clearance pays the same amount, levied on your package and at the time or after the delivery of your package, they would present the invoice of duties to you, which needs to be paid off.

For any further details, you can consult our Customer Support Dept. by writing to us.

Will Card colour be same as picture or video or like digital proofs?

This is not always necessary that you will get the exact colour that you have seen in digital proof. We always try our best to match the exact colour but it’s hard to say that the colour of the actual paper matches with video, or PDF or JPEG which had sent to you for proof.

If you want to avoid any confusion, we STRONGLY advise you to Buy a sample card as the final product will be identical with the same. The cost of the sample is very nominal and it will reach your doorstep in 3-4 business days.

We have stated in our disclaimer that if the sample is not bought and our client perceives that the colour of digital copy is different from what he has received then we cannot be held liable for this.

Therefore, it is best for you to order the physical sample and have personalized experience. There are chances of paper of the card may get change from the sample due to some reason, then you will be informed to us from our team at the time of your bulk order.

How to Order

Order Sampling (Free Shipping)

Choose the card of your choice and order your sample. For sample order, there would be no shipping charges. You only need to pay actual card cost as a sample cost. The selected sample will reach your doorstep within 3 to 5 working days.

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Get the Feel of Your Sample

After you receive your sample, check them physically and get the feel, how your actual wedding card will look alike? If you would like to see more samples then add more samples at the point of sample ordering. Sample customization is also available.

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Place Your Bulk Order

If satisfied with the sample quality, now, it’s time to place the final bulk order for your wedding cards. You can make your order online, or you can send us your requirements on our email id [email protected] Attach your wording document at the time of online ordering or just email your final wedding invitation wording.

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Approval of Digital Proof

We will create digital proofs on the basis of the details we received. We will send back to you for final approval. Check the digital proof of your wedding cards and let us know if there are any changes you would like to make then send us back for the final printing.

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Final Print & Delivery

The well packed printed cards will be delivered at your doorstep in estimated time declared by us. We cater what we show so feel relax about the quality of your wedding cards.

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Great reasons to love Us
Trust of 20 Years
20,000+ Happy Customers
Fast Production Time
1 Business Day Proofing
Worldwide Shipping
Secure Payments